0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 0 stnd 26 "A dangerous human. One of the few to interest me. Your knowing her, however, makes me desire your departure no less." 0 erika 8 "The greatest of the five." 0 sulfras 8 "The wisest of us all. Why don't you bother him?" 0 khoth 8 "I despise intruders, but will not automatically slay them. Pyrog has no such scruples." 0 pyrog 8 "I have heard of them. I have no reason to fear them." 0 haakai 8 "Once mighty, strong, and wise. Now a senile fool, playing with his toys - you humans." 0 motrax 8 0 stnd 26 1 128 "If you wish. I scry the world above, to find what the humans are planning. As I watched the king above, he was told part of the pass phrase for the portal above. The first word is 'Kro.'" (You take note of this.) 2 password 8 "Yes." 0 business 8 "If you have business with me, speak it now. Otherwise, to stay is to risk my wrath." "Fool Motrax welcomes them, the humanoids, the fools and thieves." His voice rises. Flames come out with the words. "I do not wish to see you. I do not wish to deal with you, or hear your foolish babblings. I wish you to go." 0 brothers 8 "The foolish mortals which have overrun these caves. My brothers tolerate them. I shun them." 0 lesser 8 "I do not wish the company of the lesser creatures." 0 alone 8 He blows a plume of acrid smoke from his nose, then speaks. "I live here. Alone." He hisses, then speaks. His impossibly deep voice is tinged with irritation. "I am Athron, intruder." A dragon stands before you. He is green with red highlights, and stands three times the height of a human. He stares at you, clearly displeased by your presence. 0 stnd 8 "I have nothing to say about that." 35 7 Athron's Lair